Sunday, August 7, 2011


So imagine you have a friend
And she is an artist
And she knows a lot about sustainability
And she studied trash for her thesis
And she inspires you to know more
To learn more
To be better than you are
And she shares her books about recycling and up-cycling and waste reduction and breaking the waste cycle and the one about how it is possible to use human excrement as fertilizer without making people sick
And you see her in action
Teaching young people about sustainability
The table of beads made from rescued factory bits
Rubber tubing and buttons and bolts and nuts and screws
The left overs from other things 
That in the current system would just be thrown away
The table with the “guess-who” games on food and energy and water
Did you know that Fiji water comes from a place where the local people have no access to clean drinking water?
The fact sheets and interactive tables
How quickly can you sort the recycling?
Do you know what can be recycled in your town and that it changes from region to region
And country to country?
And it blew you away
Her commitment and her enthusiasm and her passion
And you know she is one of life’s rare people
A sparkling gem of intellect and vigor and joy
And you want to know more, do more
Because you have met her
And shared a few days with her
And been inspired by her
And you know it is possible to live in a world where people care about the resources they are using
And be responsible for the life they are living
Because she showed you it was true
She shone light on that which was less than ideal
And she made you see things in a new way
And you are glad that such people in your life exist
To make you question
To make you see
To give you renewed enthusiasm for this life this path
Of creativity and sustainability and passion
Dear Rachel, thank you for your light and joy

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