This is me breathing
This is me standing in space
This is me embracing all twenty-seven years of me
This is me rejecting everything I know and starting again
But embracing everything I know and incorporating it into the starting again
Everything is important
Nothing is important
Everything matters
Nothing matters
In the words of Alanis
I’m high but I’m grounded
I’m sane but I’m overwhelmed
I’m delirious
I’m stable
I’m happy
I’m emotional
I’m floating on the energy of you
This is me kissing your face
Your hands your lips your ribs your thigh
This is me holding you
This is me crawling into bed to be tangled in you
This is us lying in bed together
This is the sound of rain on leaves on trees on the world
This is us snuggled under the doona
This is us sharing who we have become today in this moment
There is no time no space
Only what we have constructed determined to be so
There is only this moment
How can we make promises beyond the moment when this moment this breathing this now this second this “this” is all we have all we can be
The power of memory
The power of now
Eckhart speaks to us and we smile and quote movies
Heath and Julia and Joseph and Alison Janney
And it makes us smile
It makes us laugh
Makes our energy sparkle radiate pulsate on the same frequency
You said that
We were on the same frequency
And it made me tingle with delight
This is me falling in love with you
This is me feeling light and wonderful
This is me wanting to rush to rooftops
And tell everyone about you
This is me smiling
This is me writing
This is me not being able to find the words to express what I’m feeling
This is me laughing at myself for being like this
This is me being incredulous that it is at all possible
This is me giving thanks to the universe
To the powers that be
To spirit
To the unnamable thing
To you
To all the stuff of the last year and a half that has had to be lived
To experience
To life, to life, lachaim! To Tevye saying why is it so? I don’t know. Because. It is.
Because it must be so. Because the world is completely unknowable. And yet I know it. I can fathom it. Even if just a little bit. But that’s ok. It’s my little bit that I fathom.
And here I am fathoming and living and breathing and being frustrated and being delighted and being here on this earth. And my god, it has taken me so long to be okay with the fact that I’m even here! But HERE I AM AND I’M OKAY WITH THAT.
And then let go of that because that’s not important either.
Soothsaying for the ego.
All of it is great. All of it is nothing.
Love. Life. Joy. Bliss. Sadness. The world.
Here we are.
Here you are.
This is me.
This is us. This is the world. This is everything and nothing.
These are signifiers for the unnamable unquantifiable unimaginable energy of life of shifting of currents of time of space of the world of everything ever happening to be existence.
Once upon a time there was a big bang
And the world began
And the light was started
And a little while later you and I were lying on the grass (that had grown in the meantime)
And the lights from that beginning were shining down
The very glow of them
And in the moment I offered my thanks to the universe the spark the divine unnamable thing that is the energy of the world
I saw my first shooting star of the summer
And in a ring around the field where we were lying
Were dark clouds, even darker than the dark of the night
And they were flashing bright with lightning
Somehow that night
We were simultaneously star gazing and storm watching
And the air smelt sweet
And you tasted like peppermint
And there was a fizzle a spark of chemistry an exchange of energy a thrill of joy rush delight
And then we agreed to say goodbye
This is me breathing
This is me standing in space
This. Is.
The end.
Wow, very beautiful and powerful. Love you, Ma