Thursday, November 29, 2012


I grew up with Alanis 
Jagged Little Pill was one of the first albums I ever owned
And seeing her live
For the first time 
Was exhilirating and touching and strange 
It wasn’t just Present Me
Standing in the middle of the crowd
In this vast venue in London

It was thirteen year old me
Standing in the large school hall
Singing “Hand in my Pocket” 
And my classmates laughing because I couldn’t swear
And because it was so incredibly, painfully, obvious that I would never, ever, flick a cigarette 
I think it was one of the first times I had ever sung solo
And the lady who had asked me to sing was so encouraging
I went home and re-listened to Jagged Little Pill to see what else I could learn 

It was twenty-something year old me
Standing in the practise rooms above the Student Union
And channelling my anger at my ex
So I could sing “You Oughta Know” 
I knew the song well by then
But the lyrics meant more

It was twenty-something year old me 
Walking the Camino
And re-calling that Alanis had done some sort of pilgrimage to India 
And had then released Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie 
And listening to it again 
And as I walked 
“Thank u” resonated
And it changed the entire outlook on my life 

It was teenage me 
Watching Dogma and seeing Alanis play God
(Controversial because in Christianity, God is always a He) 
And realizing for the first time
God could be female 

And then present day me
With all these memories
From time and space almost forgotten 
Standing there surrounded by strangers
And Alanis
As gorgeous and talented as I’d hoped she’d be 

But with a twist
This feminine rock chick with biting lyrics and a fierce sound 
Had stage fright.
She barely looked at the audience for the first two songs
She roamed around the stage
Her amazing hair swishing behind her 
She settled in though
And from the beginning her voice 
Was even more powerful than I thought
Her belt is phenomenal
She didn’t talk between songs
But she would bow to the band members
And call out thank you to the audience

She started out with Woman Down 
A call for an end to misogyny 
And throughout the night played 
guardian, receive, all I really want, you oughta know, hand in my pocket, you learn, head over feet, mary jane, ironic, and uninvited. 
The crowd knew every word
We laughed when she updated the lyrics - 
"It's like meeting the man of your dreams
And meeting his husband". 

But the highlight
Was the acapella hidden track from Jagged Little Pill
It was almost divine it was so moving
Still as raw and gut wrenching as it was eighteen years ago
I’ve never been brave/stupid enough to walk into an ex’s house
And lie in his bed and cry all afternoon
But I have dreamt it 
In the dream I walked through his house 
Smelt his cologne 
And both in sleep and awake 
I have sobbed

And through it all 
With her own highs and lows and journies and quests
For forgiveness 
For peace 
For love
For life.

The end. 

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