Tuesday, February 26, 2013

By The Sea

I have been in a terrible funk
Feeling tired
And lonely
And miserable
And Mum came to the rescue 
Gave me a bit of extra money
So I could treat myself 

I take myself to Brighton
It's only an hour and a bit away from London by train
I had heard it was pretty
And had a hippy vibe
I disembark from the train
No map
No agenda
Just a day of being 

On the way to the waterfront 
I wander into St Paul's Church
You enter through the long cloisters
Inside the church
A man is having a heated conversation 
With the air
Or the spirits around him
He emphasizes each point with a flick of his hand 
Mass is starting in ten minutes
I wonder if they'll let him stay
I walk into a large room beside the chapel
There is a massive fireplace
Guarded by two stone dragons
There is a rich red carpet
The walls are lined with books
There are two comfy looking chairs
A warden comes in and tells me I am in the vestry
And visitors are not allowed
I apologize, I hadn't realized 
But I'm glad I got to see the room
Once I'm back in the foyer 
The warden closes the door

I arrive at the waterfront 
The beach is covered in pebbles
The water has a lovely light blue tinge
I don't know why, but I had expected it to be brown 
It is so lovely to see the ocean again
On the beach a small group of tourists is skimming stones
They remind me of my love and skimming stones along the river in the summer
My heart aches for him 
There is an art shop right on the beach
They are selling prints
And cards
And beautiful books 
The food shops along the beachfront
Are all closed
It is winter
It is not the season
There is a tiny fishing museum that is open
It takes five minutes to walk through
It feels like a relic 
All shells and fishnets and crabs behind glass
Turning to dust 
A looped video sings sea chanties 

I walk
With no real destination 
And stumble upon the 
Royal Pavilion 
It is like a palace 
The gardens around it
Are beautiful 
Spring flowers are starting to make an appearance
Though the trees are bare
And the grass is mostly gone 
I buy a hot chocolate
And wander around to the museum
It is closed on Mondays 
I don't mind

I walk up to the Lanes
Winding tiny streets filled with shops 
Though no longer the original buildings
The area "gives a flavour of medieval Brighton" 
A shopkeeper tells me 
The council wants to push out the independents
And bring in the High St tenants
More money that way
Of course the stain of commercialism is evident everywhere
Even by the water
The giant concrete monstrosity
That is the Odeon and entertainment complex
How they allowed it! 
It's a shame
The very reason people go there
Being eaten away 

Speaking of eating
I have lunch in a small cafe
Everything is handmade and fresh
Sweet potato soup and an apple, carrot, and ginger juice
The soup, juice, and cafe are all bright orange 
It reminds me of the book Misery Guts
The protagonist is an English boy 
Who is sick of his parents being miserable
So he paints their fish and shop bright orange 
From memory they move to Australia
The land of sunshine and happiness
Did you know that in Australia it is estimated more people
Die by suicide that road related deaths

I walk and walk and walk
I window shop
I wander in and out of stores
And chat to shop keepers
I imagine I am wealthy
And pick all the artworks I would buy
And where they would go in my dream house 

I end the day back at the beachfront 
I walk a little way down the pier
It is tacky and touristy 
I prefer the pebbles
The sky has been grey all day
And it is cold
But it has been the loveliest day 

The end. 

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