Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Raise Your Voice

The world abounds in
The systematic hatred of women
That permeates our society
And displays itself in
And all manner of violence against women

We are a rock revolting
Around a burning sun
It is frightening and ugly and demeaning and soul destroying

Women are under-represented in every institution and industry we can name
In some places we are not allowed out the front door
In many spheres we are presented only as objects of sex
Denied our bodies in others
And always put down
All the fact of an x v. y

And it’s not that men and women
“Hate women” as such
We have sisters! And mothers! And aunts! And daughters!
And friends who are girls and women
I am not one of them
One of those people who
Hates women

But the hatred
Is a habit
Entrenched after two thousand years
Of power struggle, of
Systematic suppression, repression,
Of the rights of women
To live

And yet
We must keep going
Because it doesn’t have to be this way
It is possible for men and women
To work together
As equals

By speaking out
And naming it
And calling it out
When it happens
In the press, in our speech, in everyday conversation
We can chip away at this
Belittling of one half of the population of the planet
Until misogyny and sexism
Are relics

People are working
Everyday every moment every second
To make it better
The Eve Ensler's and Caroline Criado-Perez's and NMP3's and #everydaysexism's and AnneSummers’ of the world
The campaigners and dreamers and artists and writers and regular everyday people who are making an honest effort
Out there in the world
Really trying
To create a world where
Women have equal rights
To life and dignity 

Where is your voice?
And what is it saying?

The end. 

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