Sunday, February 20, 2011

11 Steps to Bliss on A Sultry Summer's Day

1. Buy bag of achachas from Eveleigh Farmers Markets
2. Freeze entire bag of achachas
3. Take desired quantity out of the freezer (always one more than you think) and allow to sit out of the freezer for 5-10 minutes.
4. Ensure you have a damp cloth or serviette handy
5. Peel off the hard orange skin
6. Marvel at the small white ball of goodness in front of you
7. Sink your teeth into the flesh
8. Enjoy the cold sweet fruity sorbet goodness that is the frozen achacha. Enjoy the sensation of fruit juice running down your fingers and hands. It is like you are five and eating a melting icy pole. It is better.
9. Repeat steps 5-8 as often as necessary
10. Place scraps in compost bin, clean hands and face
11. Enjoy the contented feeling of having consumed frozen fruity sorbet achacha goodness.

The end. 

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