Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Life I Lead

to dance around the living room
to watch cyd with her legs up to eternity flirt with gene
who danced in the rain laced with milk
so it would be more visible on camera
to watch yul and deborah
one-two-three-and across the royal palace of what is now Thailand 
but used to be called Siam
etcetera etcetera etcetera!
to have tea with jam and bread on the mountains of austria
maria and mary are your nannies
julie is magical because she sings and dances and appears in two different movies with different coloured hair and rescues the children of europe and england from their sad fathers
just a spoonful of sugar and imagination and pop into the pavement to win races
singing makes everybody happy 
even retired grumpy sea captains
yes sir!
to want to be a part of that world
to be a strong princess
to be like barbara and fiercely independent and capable
just leave everything to meeee
hello dolly, hello dolly, it’s so nice 
to one day find yourself transported
from the land of oz to the rooftops of london 
and all you have to do is click your shiny red shoes together
and wish and pray your life could be enchanted
the end. 

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