Friday, November 16, 2012

Going Home

So, you move half-way across the world
To be in theatre
And drama school is over and
You find yourself... temping.
Answering phones, writing emails 
Being part of the corporate cog
“Good morning, [insert company name]. One moment please-”
Transfering the call to persons unknown somewhere else in the building
And, for a bit, it was kind of fun. 
Seeing the insides of buildings across London
Meeting new people
A new job every day,
But it was also exhausting 
And a little depressing
So many people are just so unhappy
This daily slog. 

And one day you find yourself back in the theatre,
In front of house
And it was a job you did for seven years
Once upon a time ago.
And walking into your first shift
Even though it’s a whole lifetime/a world away/10,000 miles apart
It’s like coming home

The instant familiarity of it,
The rows of seats 
(A to H, no Row I so as not to confuse people, though this theatre has a Row O)
The smell of hazer
The smell of theatre dust. 
The instant friendship and family that theatre people become
The not insignificant army of people that make a show happen 
Consider before you’ve even sat in your seat
The book writer and composer and orchestrator and director and casting director and agents and actors and choreographer and musical director and musicians and designers and ops and builders and painters and dressers and stage managers and stage door persons and ushers and bar staff and theatre manager and a myriad of people have
Played their part
For the 7.30pm show start 

And the lights go dim
And you watch the audience watching the show
And, like Amelie who turns around in the movie theatre
To see the peoples faces,
You find a joy in watching their expressions
Observing their collective laughs and moments of surprise
And although you still want,
More than anything,
To be up on that stage,
For now, this is lovely.
Being paid to be part of it all
And knowing, at least you’re in your house

And this world
With its strange hours
And lack of sunlight
And legion of folk all trying to 
Make It
And the insistent dedication required to 
Make It Happen
Is the exact world you want to be in.

The end. 

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