Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Big Issue

Every week
If I can 
I try and buy 
I'm struggling myself 
Two-thirds of my paycheck
Is spent on rent
The other third covers
Food, bills, and a weekly train ticket
There's not much left 
If anything
Once it's all paid for 

But I realize 
How lucky I am
To be healthy
To be surrounded by
People who look after me
Treat me to dinner
Or a show
Or even a holiday 
I have a roof over my head
And food in my belly
And in the middle of a recession 
I have a job
That I enjoy
Brings satisfaction
And fun
Even if sometimes
It is exhausting
To be part 
Of the daily slog 

Today between Leicester Sq
And Covent Garden
I passed no less than 9 vendors
In a journey 
That takes 5 minutes by foot 
And I see these vendors
And men and women
Who are homeless 
Literally every. single. day.
Who for a myriad of reasons 
Have not been so lucky in life 
And need an extra hand 
And I just wish
I could offer every single one of them
A bed 
A cup of coffee 
A chance 

And if my £2.50 
Can make the tiniest difference
In someone's day
And allow them
To be one step closer 
To their own 
It's a difference 
Worth making   

The end. 

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