Today I went running
And the mercury was pushing
14 degrees celsius/58 degrees fahrenheit
And it felt so warm!
And there were two people
Practising tai chi in the park
Slowly turning in their forms
Present enough to smile
At runners by
There were arborists
At work
Grown-ups paid to climb trees
Whilst juggling chainsaws
There were babies
Toddling and laughing
In the playground
There was a designer mummy
With her designer mini me
The tiny daughter with perfectly neat hair
And flouncy pink frills
Maria Von Trapp would never have approved
She was not in play clothes
There was a baby in the pram
Exclaiming "Oooh!"
By my second lap
The tai chi practisers
Were sitting on the ground
The sky was blue
The sun was warm
People were smiling
And it was lovely
The end.
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