Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stop Imagining


The world is full
It seems
Of such awful things
People being awful
To the other people
Pain and chaos

Hate comes from a place
Of sorrow and anger
Mistrust and mistreatment
All the people who hate
And are filled with violent thoughts
And carry out violent actions
Are reacting to something
Injustices done to them
Or their loved ones
And it doesn't in any way
Justify horrific acts
But they didn't fall out of the sky
Hating and perpetrating awfulness 

What if we turned to every being
And said
You are loved
You are worthy 
You are allowed to be here
Not because religion
Or because long gone gurus said so
But just because
Would it change anything?
Years of abuse of injustice and pain
Would probably retaliate

All the people
Living life in peace
Yoo hoo-ooo

Stop imagining
Do it
Live life in peace
And as once was said
Be the change
Be nice to one another
Say please and thank you

Because we can all imagine
If only's
And the possibility of futures
Far away
We can wish
But if wishes were fishes...
We'd deplete the sea
Until there was nothing left

Instead of waiting for the future to happen
Instead of waiting for a day of peace
Down the track
Let's live it right now

Today I watched the London marathon
On a (rare) bright blue sky London day
All the people running past
In shorts and leggings and brightly coloured wigs
And smiles through the pain
The cheers from the crowds watching on
In everyone's minds
This was Boston on Monday
The sea of humanity
The celebration of health
And togetherness
Of fun
And festivity
Of challenge
And achievement
Was at once beautiful
And overwhelming
And the world seemed
For a moment, at least,
Less awful

The end.

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