Friday, August 16, 2013

Opening Night

Perseid meteor shower

Opening night!
It’s opening niiiiight!
Well, almost
It’s also closing night 
Four weeks of rehearsal
Dancers drilled
Notes pounded 
Lights programmed
Sets built
Programs designed
Characters hones 
For one night of show

It’s also the end of the summer
Almost time to leave this happy place
My fifth summer in six years
Second working on the musicals
My “Buck’s Rock babies” 
As I call “my” kids
Over the years
I’ve watched them grow
Turn from awkward unsure ducklings
Into confident swans who know that
At least, if only here, 
In the middle of the Connecticut woods
They have a home
Where they are accepted for who they are 
Where they can express their creative selves
Freely and safely
Without ridicule 

My first summer
I looked at the long-time returners 
And shook my head
How could they keep coming back
Year after year?
Set up their lives around 8 weeks of summer camp?
But I too have kept returning
The one year I didn’t, a 
Miserable cold wet Sydney winter
I pined for my American Brigadoon 

And I returned
And fell in love all over again
With the place
With the people 
With my role in this community of artists 

Walking home from a late night tech
Beneath open night skies
Falling stars
And a maze of meteors
Whose lines are only sometimes visible 
I am home. 

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