Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Way Back to Then

Remember a time
Before you’d ever even been to Broadway
New York was just a place
Across the ocean
Far away
It may as well have been the moon
And musicals were accessed via cast recordings
Played on CD (and cassette!)
Repeated so often you knew
Every inflection
Pause and intonation

And then you’re sitting in the
Lyric Theatre, London
And Trevor Ashley
Australian performer
Who taught musical theatre at State Music Camp
And performed at Schools Spec
Is performing his Liza show
He is brilliant
The camp and the sass and the deadpan humour
Meet moments of utter sincerity
That make a caricature of Liza
(Though the portrayal is so spot on
It's more real than play) 

You remember
State Music camp and
Being around other people who
Got it
You performed ‘Over the Moon’ from RENT
(Which you had learnt by heart
By listening to the recording
Over and over til you got it right
(And your friend
Gave you your first standing ovation
Lept to his feet when you finished moo-ing)
It was thrilling to sit in chairs around the piano
Holding sheets of music
And singing the songs
You had listened to
And already knew by heart
And all that jazz

And you remember all your teachers
Mrs Harrison and Mrs Ross
Mrs McAndrews
Mrs Stevenson, Miss Lorschy, Mrs Martinotti, Mrs Turner
Mr Harrison, Miss Boyle, Miss Richards (theatre etiquette!), Miss Paris, Miss Simone, Mrs Page, Mrs Stewart, Mr Kelso, Mrs Miltiades, Mrs Miller, Mrs Cull
George, Andrew, Gina, Frank, Kane, Ste, Christine
The ones who believed in you and gave you a chance

And if you could tell your fifteen year old self
You get to do it!
You go to New York
Broadway is real
You study musical theatre in London
You live in a houseful of actors
You learn for real the phrase
“Starving actor”
It’s not just about hunger and being poor
You need to perform and write and play music and tell stories
And when you don’t
You get really depressed
And even though it’s hard
It’s incredible
There is no other life you can lead

The Tony Awards are real
You actually go, twice
Get all dressed up
And sit in the rafters
And watch your childhood heroes
Make their acceptance speeches
You see Idina Menzel in concert (twice)
You see her rehearsing!
You see Marvin Hamlisch conduct the London Symphony Orchestra
In a medley from A Chorus Line
You see Liza in concert
You see Trevor as Liza in concert
And it takes you back to 15 year old you
Who wants nothing more than
This life
And you say
Hold on
You’ll get here

The end. 

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