Saturday, December 31, 2011

Just Around the Riverbend

A year ago today I knew I was moving to London but I didn’t know how
A year ago today my best friend was despairing that he would never meet someone and in six months he’s getting married. 
A year ago today I had no idea what 2011 would bring but I knew it would be exciting.
And it was. It was exciting. It was lovely. It was hard. It was emotional. It was inspiring. It was draining. It was everything I had hoped it could be and so much more. 
I met my heroes. I fell in love. I moved to a whole other country. 

And here we are on the brink of 2012. 
The Occupy Movement is rustling. 
I have six months left at school. 
Another trip to America is on the cards. 
After that? Who knows? 

They say that 2012 was the end of the Mayan calendar
That the end of the world is nigh. 
But I choose to believe it's all about to change. 
There is a shift, a quickening, a change in the air,
And I’m not quite sure what it holds.
But I breathe, and trust, and light, and love,
And know that something’s just around the riverbend.
Because something’s coming. Something good. 
Could be. Hold still.
This is the beginning. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful piece, Luisa. Something's coming, something good!
