Monday, December 26, 2011

Into the Woods

Imagine going out for a stroll
And a little while from your house
Are not one, but three woods!
And they are part of ancient woodland systems
Visited by people for thousands of years
And you walk along a well-worn path
And although it is December
And the middle of winter
Everything is so green!
And you smile at the holly and the ivy
And the families playing soccer in the park
And the mud beneath your boots
And at the end of a long walk
You find yourself in an Indian restaurant
In the middle of London
Eating delicious courses of spicy tomato soups
And vegetables and rice mixed with large helpings of coriander
And you walk home
And the sun sets around 3pm
And you enjoy another cup of tea
And you think
This is London
And it is lovely.
The end.

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