Friday, February 15, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

I went house hunting
And discovered an area
Of London
I have not yet frequented
And stumbled upon a jail
And a depressing park

I went for a run
And it hurt
But I did it anyway

I met a lovely Australian
Who is having adventures
Because her passport was stolen
And we shared dinner
In my favourite
Covent Garden haunt

I went to work
And met a young boy
Who had bought his
Soft toy crocodile
To the show
It's name was Crockie
Which we agreed
Was a very suitable name
For a crocodile
By interval
The young boy was yawning
He giggled and looked sheepish
When I asked if he thought
Crockie would make it
To the end of the show

I walked to Green Park
Because the stations
Closer to the theatre
Were packed with people
Out enjoying a Friday night
I passed no less than three people
Sleeping on the streets
And wished there was more
I could do

Sometimes there is negative
Amidst the lovely
And sometimes you
Just have to breathe
And keep on swimming

The end.

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