Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Funny Valentine

My boyfriend lives over the ocean
My boyfriend lives over the sea
We cannot celebrate Valentine's in person
So I shall resort to blogging

My blog
Nor all the inspiration and joy it brings
Is in any way
Comparable to my love

This is a story
It is a love story
Duh. It's Valentine's Day.
Though, to be honest
Even if we were in the same vicinity
We wouldn't be celebrating
We tell each other we
Love each other
Every single day
And we don't need no
Day of commercial
To say what we feel

But that's not what
I wanted to write about.
I wanted to write about
How crazy it is
That we even found each other
Because statistically
And with all the people in the world
Isn't it crazy
That it is possible
For two people
To even meet
Despite growing up
On opposite sides of the planet
And having completely different upbringings
And living completely different lives
And to have enough in common
And have enough spark
To want to spend large amounts of time together
Yet alone
Be in a long distance relationship

Here's the story
Girl meets boy
They fall in love
And decide
That despite the ocean between them
And despite all promises to themselves
That they would
Remain Single For the Forseeable Future
They'll call each other
Boyfriend and Girlfriend
And then
They call each other
Every single day
And say
Those three magical
When they're true they're overwhelming
The most important
The freest
The most wonderful of words

I love you

And while Cinderella and her prince
Did live happily ever after
The point is, gentlemen,
The lived.

The end.

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