My friend said tonight
Never let money get in the way
Of the right decision
Despite not having
Very much at all in the bank account
Once rent and food and bills comes out
I'm looking at pretty much 0
I'm lucky
I've never wanted for a roof over my head
Or food in my belly
Or wonderful experiences in life
Learning to cook
Has been vastly helpful
I am surrounded by people willing to help
Like when I was accepted into Central
I didn't have the money for the fees
So I worked two jobs
I taught meditation
I did fundraisers
And still I didn't have enough
And I actually withdrew my acceptance
And a dear friend
A guardian angel
Here is what you need
Or when I was living in London
And studying at drama school
And I had enough in my bank account
To either pay my fees
Or pay my rent
Not both
And I thought I was going to have to leave
And a stranger
Whom I had never met
Donated money to the school
And granted me a scholarship
Which allowed me to stay
And finish the course
Or when I was job hunting
And down to the last pennies in my bank account
And I wondered how I was going to pay the next month's rent
And I landed a job
That exactly covered my rent and bills
The self-help gurus say
You attract what you want
You can be abundant
And wealthy
If you so choose
I am wealthy
In ways that count
More than monetarily
So although I am not financially rich
Working hard
And doing what I need to do
And trusting that things will work out in the end
Have paid dividends
And so
For the next adventure
What am I willing to believe
And trust
For how the next chapter will work
The end.
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